HQ USAREURPublication Number: AE REG 215-1
Publication Date: 06/17/2019
Title: Family and Morale, Welfare, and Recreation Programs in Europe
Status: Current
Unit of Issue (U/I): WEB
Security Classification: U
Agency: U.S. Army Installation Management Command Europe (IMCOM-Europe)
Proponent: Office of the Assistant Chief of Staff, G9
Prop Office Symbol: IMEU-MWR
PIN: 1011754
Web Footnote: Supersedes AE Regulation 215-1-8, 6 June 2012 (PIN: 1005593), AE Regulation 215-7, 26 July 2005 (PIN: 996596), AE Regulation 215-9, 26 July 2005 (PIN: 996598), AE Regulation 215-100, 1 September 2011 (PIN: 1005473), and AE Form 215-1-8A, April 2014 (PIN: 1007651).
Authorization for Obsolescence: