Document Management Branch,
Office of Knowledge Management,
Headquarters, United States Army Europe and Africa
The Document Management Branch (DMB), Office of Knowledge Management, United States Army Europe and Africa, supports United States Army Europe and Africa knowledge management by providing content management. The DMB does this by providing centralized management of administrative command directives and other Army in Europe and Africa documents to ensure products are visible, accessible, understandable, and reliable.
DMB Mission:
To provide centralized management of Army in Europe and Africa publications and forms to ensure the right policy and procedures get to the right people in the right format at the right time.
DMB Services:
The DMB provides the following services:
► Manages the Army in Europe and Africa Publications (AEPUBS).
► Edits, copy-prepares, authenticates, and posts approved Army in Europe and Africa (AEA) publications, AEA forms, and AEA command memorandums.
► Edits miscellaneous military correspondence prepared for signature by any member of the USAREUR-AF Command Group.
► Manages the Directory of Army in Europe and Africa Key Personnel (AEA Pam 10-10).
► Translates official material from and into English and German.
► Serves as the proponent of AEA Regulations 25-30, 25-35, and 25-38.