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Welcome to the
Army in Europe Library & Publishing System

The purpose of this site is to provide an online source for—

  • Access to Army in Europe (AE) publications and forms.
  • Links to other commonly required and higher-level publishing-agency websites.
  • Reference information about AE publications and forms to assist publications-account managers to manage their accounts.
  • A toolkit for action officers assigned to HQ USAREUR, HQ IMCOM-Europe, and other organizations that process staff actions through HQ USAREUR.

The proponent of AEPUBS is the Army in Europe's Document Management Branch (DMB).

AEPUBS is the official archive of authorized AE publications and forms.

The Army in Europe's DMB has sole authority from the theater Army Senior Commander to publish AE publications and forms.

New Releases
Publication NumberTitlePublication Date
AE REG 25-51Official Mail and Distribution Management Program7/26/2007
AE REG 58-1Management, Acquisition, and Use of Nontactical Vehicles4/25/2007
AE REG 600-55Driver- and Operator-Standardization Program2/8/2007
AE REG 550-34Regulations on Personal Property, Local Currency, and Motor Vehicles for U.S. Personnel in Norway / COMUSNAVEUR Instruction 5840-12E / USAFE Instruction 51-7091/29/2007
AE FORM 635-150ARequest for Overseas Separation11/1/2006
AE FORM 604-1BSecurity Questionnaire for a Simple Security Check9/1/2006
AE PAM 690-70Qualification Standards for Local National Positions8/29/2006
AE FORM 55-355A Freight Warrant Rail7/1/2006
AE PAM 40-501Guide for Physical Profiling, MOS/Medical Retention Boards, Medical Evaluation Boards, and Physical Evaluation Boards5/15/2006
AE LABEL 190-1APOV Inspection Reject Label3/1/2006
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