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Welcome to the
Army in Europe Library & Publishing System

The purpose of this site is to provide an online source for—

  • Access to Army in Europe (AE) publications and forms.
  • Links to other commonly required and higher-level publishing-agency websites.
  • Reference information about AE publications and forms to assist publications-account managers to manage their accounts.
  • A toolkit for action officers assigned to HQ USAREUR, HQ IMCOM-Europe, and other organizations that process staff actions through HQ USAREUR.

The proponent of AEPUBS is the Army in Europe's Document Management Branch (DMB).

AEPUBS is the official archive of authorized AE publications and forms.

The Army in Europe's DMB has sole authority from the theater Army Senior Commander to publish AE publications and forms.

New Releases
Publication NumberTitlePublication Date
AE FORM 690-72AGerman Local National Employee Fiscal-Data Change Request (Vers. 01.00)11/1/2009
AE FORM 690-99LClaim Record and Voucher for Travel Between the Residence and the New Place of Duty in Case of Transfer/Detail During the (Fictitious) Notice Period / Forderungsnachweis und Abrechnung von Fahrten zwischen Wohnort und dem neuen Beschäftigungsort bei Versetzung/Abordnung während der (fiktiven) Kündigungsfrist (Vers. 01.00)10/1/2009
AE FORM 690-99KClaim Record and Voucher for Expenses and Travel Performed During On-Call Duty (TV Al II Art 9 Para 8f) / Forderungsnachweis und Abrechnung über Ausgaben und Fahrten Während der Ableistung von Rufbereitschaft (§ 9 Ziffer 8f TV Al II) (Vers. 01.00)10/1/2009
AE POSTER 385-24-2Caution: Radiation Hazard9/30/2009
AE FORM 215-6BU.S. Forces Order Form for German Value-Added Tax-Free Merchandise and Services / Bestellung für Mehrwertsteuer befreite Deutsche Waren/Dienstleistungen (Vers. 01.00)8/1/2009
AE PAM 40-7-1Medical Phrases in English and German6/9/2009
AE MISC PUB 190-1ATraffic Rules for U.S. Forces Installations in Germany / Für US-Liegenschaften in Deutschland geltende Verkehrsregeln2/24/2009
AE MISC PUB 600-17CGermany Fuel-Ration Card Issuance or Replacement2/19/2009
AE SUP 1 AR 420-1Army Facilities Management11/20/2008
AE FORM 600-700D-FILLERCommissary/AAFES Privilege-Card - Filler Mask (2010-03-16)11/1/2008
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