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Army in Europe and Africa Publications (AEPUBS)

The purpose of this site is to provide an online source for—

  • Access to Army in Europe (AE) publications and forms.
  • Links to other commonly required and higher-level publishing-agency websites.
  • Reference information about AE publications and forms to assist publications-account managers to manage their accounts.
  • A toolkit for action officers assigned to HQ USAREUR-AF, HQ IMCOM-Europe, and other organizations that process staff actions through HQ USAREUR-AF.

The proponent of AEPUBS is the Army in Europe's Document Management Branch (DMB).

AEPUBS is the official archive of authorized AE publications and forms.

DMB has sole authority from the USAREUR-AF Commander to publish AEA publications and forms.

Latest Publications
TitlePublication NumberPublication Date
Training and Leader Development in EuropeAE REG 350-13/6/2025
Professional U.S. Scouting Organization Operations at Military Installations in EuropeAE REG 215-83/4/2025
Standards for Base CampsAE REG 420-1002/27/2025
Identification Cards and Individual Logistic SupportAE REG 600-7002/26/2025
Passports and VisasAE REG 600-2902/26/2025
USAREUR-AF Safety Philosophy (AEA Cmd Memo 2024-028)AE CMD MEMO 2024-0282/21/2025
Directory of Army in Europe and Africa Key Personnel (contents: CUI)AE PAM 10-102/18/2025
Personalbeschaffung und Stellenbesetzung für ortsansässige Arbeitnehmer in der Bundesrepublik DeutschlandAE REG 690-70-G2/14/2025
Arbeitsmedizinische Leistungen für ortsansässige Arbeitnehmer in DeutschlandAE REG 40-11-G2/14/2025
Employee Occupational Health Services for Local Nationals in GermanyAE REG 40-112/14/2025
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Non-AE Publications of Interest